Relevant Projects 🚀
Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition
• Pioneered dynamic hand gesture identification with emphasis on ASL and bespoke gestures.
• Integrated cutting-edge technologies (MediaPipe, cvzone, HandDetector), revolutionizing gaming through a practical Rock-Paper-Scissors demonstration.
Music Store Database Analysis Project
• Built a strong portfolio by applying analytical thinking using SQL databases and BI powered Visualization.
• Exhibited final output on a webpage with help of Flask.
GPU Accelerated Realtime Face Mask - Detection
• GPU-accelerated real-time facemask detection using MobileNetV2 architecture
• Trained on "Face Mask 12K Images Dataset" with transfer learning
• Achieved 95% detection accuracy and processed 60 frames per second on NVIDIA RTX 3060 GPU
• Improved real-time facemask detection capabilities using GPU-accelerated computing.
• Enhanced detection speed and accuracy with MobileNetV2 architecture
Virtual Sketch Using OpenCV
• Developed an interface between colored markers in human hand and system by deploying OpenCV techniques in Python to pick color and draw by capturing motion of colored object in hand.
• Published work in International journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE), Volume 10, Issue 8.
Stratification of Musical Styles
• Implemented KNN Algorithm to classify a dataset of different musical styles according to musical genre by training classifier later when user gives an input as audio file of any genre, gets output of genre to audio given belongs to.
• Deployed final output on a webpage with help of Flask.
Fruit Recognition, INDIAN SERVERS
• Implemented CNN Algorithm in Python for fruit identification and its Ripeness classification.
• Presented final output on a webpage with help of Flask.